Terms & Conditions

General Terms and Conditions of Business

1.1 Quotes and Prices

  • Quotes are valid for 30 days and based on client-provided information.
  • Prices exclude additional costs like photography, database images, delivery, copywriting, and VAT.
  • Hourly rate: €100.
  • Rates are subject to change.
  • Time estimates are non-binding.
  • Timelines depend on timely client-provided materials.

1.2 Methods

  • The agency may subcontract work.
  • Client-provided images must meet specific quality standards.
  • The agency is not responsible for errors in client-provided materials.
  • Clients indemnify the agency against claims from third-party material usage.
  • Agency retains copyright on conceptual work unless otherwise agreed.
  • Client’s property is at their risk while in the agency’s possession.
  • Storage fees may apply for items held by the agency.
  • Rush projects are at the client’s risk and cost.
  • The agency will not use materials deemed illegal or defamatory.

1.3 Invoices and Payments

  • Payment due within 30 days of invoice.
  • Late payments may incur interest charges.
  • Work remains the agency’s property until payment is received.
  • VAT applies unless exempt.
  • Payments must be made in Euros.
  • Work in progress billed monthly.
  • Agency may charge for client-caused additional costs.
  • Preliminary work is billed, including a 50% rejection fee if the contract is canceled.
  • Delayed payments may halt work.
  • A deposit (usually 50%) may be required, especially for new clients or large projects.
  • Returned payments incur a €15 fee.

1.4 Review

  • Client approves proofs and samples.
  • Proofs are charged per page.
  • Client bears responsibility for errors post-approval.

1.5 Insolvency

  • Agency may halt work if the client cannot pay debts.
  • Agency has a lien over client property for unpaid debts and may sell it after 14 days’ notice.

1.6 Force Majeure

  • Agency is not liable for contract breaches due to uncontrollable events like natural disasters, war, or strikes. Clients will be notified to take appropriate actions.

1.7 Copyright (Intellectual Property Rights)

  • Clients must ensure materials do not infringe third-party rights.
  • Clients indemnify the agency against third-party intellectual property claims.
  • Agency retains intellectual property rights on created work unless otherwise agreed.
  • Client cannot use agency material without permission.
  • Agency can use created work for promotional purposes.

1.8 Governing Law

  • Contracts are governed by the laws of Italy.
  • Disputes are resolved in the courts of Milan, Italy.